Your generosity contributes to support our projects

Personal informations

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                                            Download the membership form and AAFV deposit information here.

Contact :  Jeanne Goffinet
Tél : +33 (0)6 47 11 16 72

Email :

Your generosity as benefactor is tax deductable. Donations by individuals (art.200-5 du Code général des Impôts) and entreprises (art.238 bis) in favor of AAFV, association recognized as Intérêt Général by decision on 8 juin 2008, délivered by the Direction des Services Fiscaux de la Seine Saint-Denis, accords the right to a tax reduction. For individuals, it is equal to 66% of the amount donated within the limit of 20% of total taxable income. For entreprises, it is equal to 60% of the amount donated within the limit of 5 ‰ of turnover

AAFV is an Association Reconnue d'Intérêt Général.

SIRET number : 33092773200041